Omaheal Energy Medicine
Empowering bedside care through innovative energy medicine practices.
Self Help Frequently Ask Questions, Experiments and References
Why would God want to help us?To help us be worth remembering.
Let's say the promises of the Bible are true. Everything on Earth is going to be changed by the Kingdom of Heaven being on earth, Oceans are evaporated, mountains and valleys all become leveled. Constant light from the glory of our King Jesus Christ shining.Bib Ref Revelations.
Michael Randall Schlueter being a witness of God, "Yahweh God needs to remember us. And by raising our voices God can conduct his creation to be more like him by being in council together."
How can Energy Medicine return my investment?We have free will whether or not to touch the world with our voices allowing God to be first as in our creation stories it's his energy, then everything follows. As an Energy Medicine provider the largest projects of healing are of the land. Current project is healing the Omaha, Lincoln Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa, 90 miles surrounding. Internationally Facebook friends in New Zealand, India, Zimbabwe, for remote work. Michael Randall Schlueter has it in his heart to take care of local area as a mission and then expand internationally. The energy medicine is the most effective means at treating those who have been assaulted sexually because no one has to touch you or be in the room for your DNA to repair. And when we do rejoin a group it's platonic friendships and compounding prayers of pouring into each other increasing our faith and strength in knowing God.When you remove the bad attitude or confusion it allows us to think into being where we are otherwise we won't show up. So in business, sales increase because we are seeking the best product or service that may be obtained. Meaning, in marketing would it be easy to advertise to each other based on good feelings? We already know people who seem like they wake up to destroy the world to match how they perceive life. The energy medicine reframes the perception that has help everything that has emotions. So if you have a product or service that sells itself, partner that, with energy medicine and the humanity consciousness will seek you out for increase attention. It does work if we are still and trust God. It's and art of grabbing on to and letting go, to watch what grows from our results. We follow principles such as there are no necessary demons, all darkness is processed through the Son of God Jesus Christ because he is the one that starts and finishes our faith. So, the return on investment is having a better attitude which makes it easy for anyone to connect in relationships. If you have a dog or cat defiling your floor energy medicine can improve either you or the animal. Miracles, angels, flashes of light, that's up to God if it's necessary for the environment to need that amount of his attention for the will of the Father to be done. Michael Randall Schlueter has helped the darkest places have light. So if you let him do his work of compounding prayers. He speaks pouring out the spirit of Yahweh from the authority of his Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For the righteousness to grow the Body of Christ.
Why is Omaheal Energy Medicine the best in the world?We are the one of the few providers of Energy Medicine by the authority of Jesus Christ and the witness Michael Randall Schlueter can work the strings of radiant energy into our vortexes. Radiant Energy is what is being emitted and directed for the energy medicine. One can gather radiant energy by observing what is radiant, nature, ourselves, what's holy and sacred. Time travel may extend in the future for humanity and energy medicine is how the mind can immediately adapt to new inputs. The visions and dreams that result from energy medicine is because of the body is designed to make chemicals from sound being absorbed. Such as whistling, those high pitch frequencies dance around in the skull and some of these chemicals generated in the body are known as DMT, the spirit molecule. Testimonies have attendees cheering they have never been higher! Sound, Energy medicine, is the one drug no one can overdose.
What is Energy Medicine? Is speaking words from God, while in a prayer, the provider is bridging God's Holy Spirit of Truth through their voice or attention to conduct conscience radiant light through the earth to the heavens, by their visions and dreams effecting our world. Where do our word come from only two destinations from the heavens or from the grave. People who seek to tear down and not build up are speaking from the grave.People who seek to tear down and build up are speaking from the heavens. We can hear it in their voices. And that's why even though, your provider is a Seer, describing what we receive has to be spoken from God in the kindest manner of truth.
What does a group class or session look like?Professional speaker providing a sound bath that resonates on the body a soft touchless sound massage and the provider can hold your hands and place their healing touch on areas being focused on or keep the hands at a comfortable distance.
In a group class we just sync by performing the 5 rites of Tibetan Longevity. Once the body is flowing, then we rest and chant a prayer for God's creation energy to absorb into our bodies. If everyone is brand-new to Energy Medicine, it becomes a Guru chakra biomechanics class explaining each chakra or kingdom of Heaven is within.Such as the root chakra, is beneath us as the first heaven. We open the seal for our environment to know we are safe and this chakra grounds all negativity. How does Energy Medicine feel? Euphoric, angel kisses on our skin, like bubbles inside our muscles. When did Energy Medicine begin? From the beginning of recorded history from the fifth extinction, Energy Medicine started with prophets of the Father of Creation Yahweh. Then the Messiah Yeshua Son of God redeemed us from sin being resurrected Lord Yeshua gave the abilities of what he did following directions from who sent him the Father Almighty Yahweh, Holy be there names. Bible References (before Messiah Yeshua) Genesis 20:17 (during Messiah Yeshua) Matthew 4:23 (after Messiah Yeshua) Acts 8:7 In summary, energy medicine is the science of miracles! What Energy Medicines services are available? Nearby, the laying of hands is direct medicine. Far away, the Roman Guard asking for healing for his servant is remote energy medicine. All accomplished by Faith in the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth. Energy Medicine and 7 Chakras (Wheels) The Seven Spirits from the Almighty God YHWH, holy be his name, by the Holy Spirit of Truth through the Mighty God Yeshua of Nazareth. Bible References Isaiah Chapter 9:6-7, Ezikiel 1 Revelations 3,4, and 5 Mind, Body, and Soul. We might have observed these three subjects before but what do they mean? Soul is defined as the immaterial essence. What is immaterial essence? Immaterial essence is spirit, intangible, wind, gravity, magnetic force, frequency and music, light. The micro generates a culture of bacteria that are either healthy or diseased. The macro majority rules our body. Diseased may have parasites signaling the brain to consume inflammatory to paralyze their host. Healthy grow by exercising their mind, body and soul serving others their gifts of disciple. The proof of the spirit is the impact on the body and the mind. And whatever we do, builds nerves to make it easier to keep doing whatever we do best, if you feel goosebumps and the most alive your angels are near! Why? Changing a behavior is a challenge because we're doing our best as far as we know. If we knew better, we would do better. Why we pay attention to others who we perceive as successful. Where our words come from are the seven spirits separated by our body parts. Which are states of mind that the practice of Qi Gong Breathing through your feet. is an expression that represents we breathe with our whole body. and listen with the whole body. The immaterial essence commands the body and the mind to maintain their conscience soul. When we do something healthy you may have a desire to backslide, knowingly doing harmful things. Relax, consider how long you’ve had the behavior. Changing takes time pick up a heathy habit more often and that will strengthen your future. Keep building the healthy neuropathways. Our focus is information attributing to our bod’s ablitiy to repair. Humility is the first step in our active participation in our own healing. The body is made in God’s image by the Father and the Son breathing their soul into dust. Bible Reference Genesis 1:26 You get what you ask just have faith you’re already receiving and know it will occur in the best way to strengthen us for eternity! Why is the Bible being shared when discussing soul? The evil of this world doesn’t want you to survive the sixth extinction. There is a resurrection and even if we are resurrected those who want to live forever caring for the earth commanding the elements and nature can eat from the tree of life. Is this a cult? No. Is body building a cult? Or Volleyball? It’s just something we are already doing that you just haven’t noticed. Answers the question of why we are whom we hang around the Son of God has shared the most amount of time with the One. The author John states we with were there with the first creations, light. What is to be expected from the ways of Holy Spirit? ————————————————— But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galations Chapter 5 Verse 22&23 KJV ————————————————— What not to do? Keep missing the point of what makes you feel the greatest joy. Sin is defined as missing the mark. Even after you’ve received grace and trace your steps of why you’ve sinned. Honoring the new covenant ask Lord and Savior Jesus of Nazareth for grace and fill us with Holy Spirit from the Almighty Father Jehovah that we may be provided a way out from harm. An Energy medicine provider has missed the mark and sinned. They have to follow Lord Jesus and the ten commandments. They do love reproofing reminders. If you see something that needs improvements, please let them know. No one is perfect, but Lord Jesus, by the grace of God forgives us and if you would please forgive each other. It’s good for our hearts. As long your energy medicine provider starts and ends the prayer similar. ‘We humbly approach the Father, holy be his name, by Holy Spirit of Truth, through Son now redeemer Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.’ That is honoring the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Are all the words necessary? No. I’ve seen the Holy Spirit do what it wills by my presence alone. So the sound seeds of creation are the basic service allowing the external qi to leave my body to transplant for your body. God saved my life and part of him lives in me. We all have a purpose and mine is opening chakras by the authority of the Son of Jehovah. Is Martial Qi Gong Available? Yes, Ip Man Wing Chung Kung Fu. May you relax knowing the best is being provided. Why is this important to know where the soul is from? Do you check product labels? “Made in USA” Rules are followed differently from where you source effects the quality of service. The most effective energy medicine dissolves into the beginning becoming a permanent loop in time, called eternal. When words are spoken, as please and thank you. Similar to post traumatic stress disorder might not be happening currently but the body is responding as if it is happening remembering every occurrence compounding on to each other. If you can see the memory in your mind, then you can pray for the observers in the memory opening their chakras and bridging them to peace. Training is available. ————————————————- I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19 ——————————————————- Those who receive and cultivate soul become a lighthouse or a lantern, protecting your light to shine for joyful life. Before year 2022 to 2012, I, Michael Randall Schlueter, would open the Akashic Records, in English means “Book of Life”, by prayer syncing your future and your past into the present, simultaneously anchoring into the earth, being filtered through the sun, while holding the door for the masters, teachers, and loved ones to aid in the greatest and highest good. Would see partial segments of the future or past. That prayer was too general to allow little results. The partial ability is a gift from the Almighty God Yahweh (Jehovah), holy be his name, that is made complete when you ask for his mind by Holy Spirit through his son Prince of Peace Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Reference found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. The science of miracles formed from observing personal near-death experiences and accounts of those prayed for, being saved by burst of light. A hypothesis the Radiant Energy is the Energy Medicine being provided. Most important warning. May we do ourselves a favor not calling the Holy Spirit of Truth, evil. It’s an unforgivable sin that if a person who cultivates wickedness can’t help selves but to call what is good as bad. If they didn’t want eternal life. When brought to the Makers attention their name is dissolved from the Book of Life. There is no forgiveness if Jesus commanded. Matthew 12:31 CJB *Because of this, I tell you people will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but blaspheming the Rauch HaKodesh, Holy Spirit of Truth, will not be forgiven.* Why trouble our heart with calling what is good as bad. If your spiritual leader hates energy medicine, they’re attempting to rob you of the tree of life because they’re already damned because it’s not a pastor’s first time seeing the Holy Spirit of Truth dwell in people and call it evil. The godless demon cultivators will increase their rebellion against God to dissolve the energy medicine giftbecause if you have light to see within you start changing from harm to help, God always has your best intentions. God naturally places alcoholics in my brief company because my spirit releases the bondages of drunkenness by reading 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Classes are determined by the medias available and range in pricing from free to retreats pricing.
Paying attention is the greatest compliment we give each other. Light and Dark cannot be cultivate together. Yin is the rest and Yang is the action. Evil and Good only have one union, evil is the lowest absence of intelligence and good is the highest inclusion of intelligence. So there are right and wrong answers from repeated results that have been occurring for thousands of years, evil just forgets and has to be corrected or suffer their cultivation. Energy Medicine inspires us to grow to know the reason for miracles. Respect is giving love first. This is the oil for your lamps why we are separated from the water and rise!What are the facts? Cell melodies: when sound speaks to stem cells Thank you for the research it’s worth the read. ————————————————— Matthew 5:8 KJV Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 1 John 5:7-8 NWT For there are three witness bearers: The spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. ———————————————————— The experiments by Doctor Emoto prove water bears’ witness. Have you ever witnessed chickens hatching? If you crack an egg from the outside, you end the life. If you are patient and speak strength, the center with life is encouraged to break the shell. We have to obey God’s will and not our own will. People use this knowledge in their toughest moments. This is a free service, so all the necessary information is provided that you don’t need an Energy Medicine provider profanely. You contact a certified professional when the task is beyond your ability. How fast does Energy Medicine work? The results are on God’s time. Being patient builds trust for a resilience in faith. Sometimes immediate or delayed. The biochemistry, have you dreamed? The pineal gland, lungs, and other parts of the body produce dimethyltryptamine the transfer takes place within heaven, a dimensional space, then is done on earth. If this is new for you and have a good feeling congratulations on having your future self-save you because if you can remember your past, you can sing giving the past to God. Do you love languages. Language came from the tower of Babel and Almighty God witnessed that anything humanity wills, can be accomplished. God made the languages that we may spread out across the earth. We are living in the age of information that we can understand each other once again. Bib. Ref. Genesis 11:7 Jesus was the word that became flesh. Proving our words become flesh. Bib. Ref. John 1:1. Why am I sharing? While I’ve been studying Sanskrit to understand the soul by singing the sound seeds of creation. Chakra means wheel, in Sanskrit, and the bible references seeds being God’s word. While visiting Tibetan monks at our Om Center in Omaha, Nebraska. The Tibetan Monks would not apply the Sound Seeds of Creation, Sanskrit words, applied for the chakras. Advising only to use one sound seed Om for every chakra. If you only color with white, what do you have? Why not? Hebrew and Sanskrit are languages that significantly alter reality. The light only has to keep honoring the truth shining color into our world. Your mind is a garden how you cultivate the soil by nutrition. The seeds by your thoughts. Who shows up we become our associates. What you do matters Once I started studying Hebrew the Sanskrit words were defined. Our human bodies represent the kingdom of heaven even if you don’t have limbs, you have a heavenly body. Start from the foundation and work your way up. Lam, in Hebrew means binding, and so does Rebecca the name. Every page needs a binder. The “L” sounds correlate with the legs. Subatomic particles emitted are red. To be rooted means we are safe to grow. Vav, in Hebrew means hook. What you bring together rapidly generates a spark done repeatedly is a fire. The “V” sounds correlate with the pelvis. Subatomic particles emitted are orange. When we are safe, we gather resources. Ram, in Hebrew means High, Senior. The “R” sounds correlate with our celiac plexus connected to the vagus nerve. Subatomic particles emitted are yellow. When we gather resources, we express joy from what we find. Yam, in Hebrew means Sea. Elohim, Yah, Yahovah, Yahweh, Yeshua, Jesus, God help me. The Y’s, J’s and G’s sounds correlate stick on your ribs. The ribs cage a wild heart that your hands write from, and your breath speak from an area of your body that is ninety percent water. The subatomic particles emitted are green. The musical note is 528 hertz and MI in Latin word miracle. When share what we find joy from we may experience gratitude and say, “thank you!” Ham, in Hebrew is a son of Noah, and “H” sounds are the natural expression of the throat when you exhale. Why we laugh Ha, put the Ha in Rauch HaKodesh, Hallelujah! Ha means ‘the’ in Hebrew. The subatomic particles emitted are blue. The throat is as bark to a dog and a tree, it’s there to protect you. The bark you speak is either life or ruin practice well by reading aloud good books. Aum, “A” sounds resonate the skull. Why you might say um to think. “E” Sounds resonate inside the skull. Hreem vibrates the roof of your mouth down your spine. Still yet to be proven in clinical studies, hypothesis; this is how you develop the oil from the pineal gland DMT to dream and stimulate stem cell from your bone popping bubbles. “U” Sounds resonate the frontal lobe bone. Huen, means circle in Cantonese, to force the fluid up the spine to the blood brain barrier. “O” is an expression from the heart to exclaim praise or woe. “O” is the surrounding sound. O by itself, or O God, ‘O’ Sound vibrations increase oxygen within the bones. Ope. Welcome to the Heartland of America. While working on the soul the Energy Medicine provider uses these words to let the Almighty God the Father of Creation Jehovah and the Mighty God the Son of God Jesus work through those present. Energy medicine providers are only catalysts for Lord Jesus passes judgement on how much Qi you receive from their breathe. Why it is called opening chakras is because the chakras are sealed like tea kettles. Are the seven soul centers a coincidence? When seven seals, stars, and seven spirits of God are referenced in book of Revelation. When you are singing these words with singing songs as “Holy Spirit Come” by Patrick Mayberry or “Your love is a song” by Switchfoot How do you know we’re singing right? Our forehead is stimulated, you’re crying as cutting an onion without the sting, and your armpits are sweating. Accepting you are loved or giving love to an enemy. How many sessions do you need? As many as you need. Why classes are free. I am leaving behind media to move humanity forward. This is a limited list of words to get you started. We’ll have a direct line of communication with the Almighty God Yahovah and the Mighty God King Yeshua, holy be their names. That Lord Jesus honors his promise, ask and it will be given. Chakras or Spirit centers are something you cultivate and when two souls merge you pollinate generating spiritual fruit. Use that fruit to be faith moving mountains. That’s why we are encouraged to fellowship. I found the Father Jehovah, holy be his name and the Son Jesus, this way while Sun Gazing in the mornings reading the Gospel aloud. My journey took eight years of Sun Gazing, and six years from the beginning the discipline. I was called back to following Jesus by a neighbor, who asked me, while I was marketing samples at Costco, “Can I pray for you?” I replied “Yes! I believe in the power of prayer.” And the neighbor’s prayer was like ‘Jesus Christ, I ask you to come into this moment please increase your Holy Spirit for Michael, Increase, increase, Increase Amen.” I came to their church Sunday service crying accepting that I am loved by the Father Jehovah Holy be his name and the Son Jesus our Lord and Savior. I come from a broken family that disagrees with courage, truth, and humility. I love goodness and helping to our best ability, so if you think you have it bad let’s give it to God! He gives it back in way we couldn’t imagine. Chief Mission Statement SO CLEAN WE HEAL! Who can receive energy medicine? Anything with breath. If you have no one to service in the hospitals, nursing homes, the poor. Pour the energy medicine into the land, what you cook, sky, and life. Energy medicine is a gift of Holy Spirit you give freely to others. Animals are highly receptive and welcome if applicable.
How to ask for help. Energy Medicine is as simple as active daily living, known in nursing as ADLs. ADLs such as brushing teeth, washing your face, bathing, eating and more. It’s important to ask for answers when you have problems. The problems happen to everyone how we get answers is by solving the question why.
You can be placed in a cocoon hammock with a sound bath or in a class setting. Before receiving your soul medicine have some ideas that you want to grow. Depending how much time we have, if you touch my shirt, shake my hand, give me a hug, look me in the eye, the energy medicine, can happen instantly. I can do the laying of hands; It’s what the receivers are most comfortable with. Energy Medicine provider works in a stadium, arena, crowds are available or smaller settings in nursing homes or hospitals. Why? Cardiovascular system such as our veins do not form in straight lines but as spirals. What do you have, when metals such as iron, copper to be a spiral connected to an electric current? You have a magnet. Why you don’t have to touch a person. It’s their magnetic field that you’re transferring soul by speaking the words three to nine times or being quiet and the Holy Spirit moves. Are you planning an Event? For crowds or nationwide. It’s as cooking slow and constant, greater the amount the more time can be prepared head of time. Three to nine days for less nine thousand people. Greater than nine thousand thirty to ninety days. Thereafter, give yourself a break from people interactions, put your phone on do not disturb, read or listen to a positive book. Recommended The 21KV Bible, books Matthew by Matthew, John by Apostle John, Psalms by David and Others, the Archer & Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho, the Tao Te Ching Lao Zu, Talk like TED by Carmine Gallo, 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson, Billionaire Thought Models in Business by R. Stevens. A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. 360 Leader by John C. Maxwell. Billionaire Thought Models in Business by R. Stevens. Wherever you are in the spectrum keep sowing seeds for a better life. You become the five people you share the most time with including authors. If your life isn’t sowing seeds that the generations can improve humanity, be a better student. Teachers are students tutoring students, what they have studied. May we remain diligent in our disciplines and record our results that we can find the patterns success. A soul provider needs to be certified by the universal church online for weddings and out of respect for those who seek aid. I, Michael Randall Schlueter promise to do no harm and upbuild the Body of Christ for Lord Jesus. Especially Holy Spiritual Gifts. Soul Medicine provider is certified energy medicine provider by ALLEGRA Learning Solutions LLC. Allegra Learning Solutions LLC has a knowledge and misinformation on chakras because you need to go through God to understand what is holy. All of our time is valuable we need you to be well. Whatever you give by God’s will in your heart a soul medicine provider will be appreciate. Best ways to give back, clean up parts of your city, feed the venerable citizens. Revel in Nature, plant native grasses absorbing the most carbon dioxide and download the application youversion bible start a plan. My biggest regret is not reading the word of God, sooner with praying for understanding through Jesus before reading. 2 Corinthians Chapter 9 Verse 6-15 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their poor; their righteousness endures forever.” Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their heart will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! Romans Chapter 6 verse 22 However, now, freed from sin and enslaved to God, you do get the benefit - it consists in being made holy, set apart for God, and its end result is eternal life. 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God, so that we might understand the things God has so freely given us. Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery. Class involves Stretching, the five rites of Tibetan longevity move the lymphatic system that you may stay vigilant and soundness of mind. Keep flowing and growing up to the light. Doing the basics such as washing your hands for twenty seconds, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and after meals, eating USDA fermented foods and dark leafy greens, stretch after being still for longer than 15 minutes even reaching for the sky. Have some hearty laughs and make some noise singing like children no matter how off-key you might be. Follow the laws within good conscience. The Challenge:Our current energy medicine sound seed practitioners are not loud and clear enough for God to work through their voice.
This is limited in what God can do, we have energy medicine providers taking our image in a photograph and placing that in a machine that subjects the image to 10,000 frequencies that is rendering a change in the person's life. We are training you to generate the frequencies of God on our own without the machines. Can the machines help improve the combinations yes. But what we are providing is levels above what's available in the market for classes.
Some of them considers the earth to be our mother has forgotten the father from that all energy comes from our star that gives us light. Christian do the same exact theology when they forget Yahweh God's name and call him the Son Jesus Christ is GOD. Jeremiah 23:27 People forget because they avoid their father God's words and council. So if you wonder why prayers go unanswered and they sound violent. It's because we have to have a heart string to play telephone with God. God is very near to those he loves that are near death and he will save them, for they loved God. So. yes if we go to a yoga group class the pagan teacher will pay respects to a fragment of God. Does that make yoga evil? No, the people practicing and their thoughts while they are working could determine if they're bad. People can be good or bad but it's a branch of behaviors from our heart we know by our works. And bad teachers and bad leaders don't care about the quality and act like no result is a result of energy medicine. They're standing in the way from light shining on people as if God is directing our hearts and time most effectively from what we all do in private.
Yoga is a system of stretches that somehow the yoga masters in our community won't teach you the 5 rites of Tibetan Longevity because of the medical benefits. People are preventing our citizens to access information that allows us to be calm in emergencies and respond letting God help us move. And the mediations or sound baths that are being provided have no evidence of knowing God and claim healing because they have the sounds of creation. So, I have to be the provider of a class and people have to seek me out to share with them the biomechanics of soul mastery. Pray & Listen to God, some call that intuition on who you need to avoid because everyone is sowing seeds but the lost won’t know strength unless they are shown how to sow seed. If they refuse to apply healthy behaviors, their life will be a reflection. Successful people take notes, ask questions to see them. Enjoy the journey. Thank you for reading Classes are Available, they involve stretching the 5 rites of Tibetan longevity, Opening the Chakras by Lord Jesus Christ authority. Enjoy safe travels. Thank you for reading. Many people are having a near death experience and what I teach allows us to adapt quickly. If you're new to God, do not be afraid, the other fragments of God, end life into the earth to be dust. The eternal Elohim resurrect those who conquer their flesh and serve voluntarily their gift to humanity. youtube channel @omaheal-center-llc8964
Let's say the promises of the Bible are true. Everything on Earth is going to be changed by the Kingdom of Heaven being on earth, Oceans are evaporated, mountains and valleys all become leveled. Constant light from the glory of our King Jesus Christ shining.Bib Ref Revelations.
Michael Randall Schlueter being a witness of God, "Yahweh God needs to remember us. And by raising our voices God can conduct his creation to be more like him by being in council together."
How can Energy Medicine return my investment?We have free will whether or not to touch the world with our voices allowing God to be first as in our creation stories it's his energy, then everything follows. As an Energy Medicine provider the largest projects of healing are of the land. Current project is healing the Omaha, Lincoln Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa, 90 miles surrounding. Internationally Facebook friends in New Zealand, India, Zimbabwe, for remote work. Michael Randall Schlueter has it in his heart to take care of local area as a mission and then expand internationally. The energy medicine is the most effective means at treating those who have been assaulted sexually because no one has to touch you or be in the room for your DNA to repair. And when we do rejoin a group it's platonic friendships and compounding prayers of pouring into each other increasing our faith and strength in knowing God.When you remove the bad attitude or confusion it allows us to think into being where we are otherwise we won't show up. So in business, sales increase because we are seeking the best product or service that may be obtained. Meaning, in marketing would it be easy to advertise to each other based on good feelings? We already know people who seem like they wake up to destroy the world to match how they perceive life. The energy medicine reframes the perception that has help everything that has emotions. So if you have a product or service that sells itself, partner that, with energy medicine and the humanity consciousness will seek you out for increase attention. It does work if we are still and trust God. It's and art of grabbing on to and letting go, to watch what grows from our results. We follow principles such as there are no necessary demons, all darkness is processed through the Son of God Jesus Christ because he is the one that starts and finishes our faith. So, the return on investment is having a better attitude which makes it easy for anyone to connect in relationships. If you have a dog or cat defiling your floor energy medicine can improve either you or the animal. Miracles, angels, flashes of light, that's up to God if it's necessary for the environment to need that amount of his attention for the will of the Father to be done. Michael Randall Schlueter has helped the darkest places have light. So if you let him do his work of compounding prayers. He speaks pouring out the spirit of Yahweh from the authority of his Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For the righteousness to grow the Body of Christ.
Why is Omaheal Energy Medicine the best in the world?We are the one of the few providers of Energy Medicine by the authority of Jesus Christ and the witness Michael Randall Schlueter can work the strings of radiant energy into our vortexes. Radiant Energy is what is being emitted and directed for the energy medicine. One can gather radiant energy by observing what is radiant, nature, ourselves, what's holy and sacred. Time travel may extend in the future for humanity and energy medicine is how the mind can immediately adapt to new inputs. The visions and dreams that result from energy medicine is because of the body is designed to make chemicals from sound being absorbed. Such as whistling, those high pitch frequencies dance around in the skull and some of these chemicals generated in the body are known as DMT, the spirit molecule. Testimonies have attendees cheering they have never been higher! Sound, Energy medicine, is the one drug no one can overdose.
What is Energy Medicine? Is speaking words from God, while in a prayer, the provider is bridging God's Holy Spirit of Truth through their voice or attention to conduct conscience radiant light through the earth to the heavens, by their visions and dreams effecting our world. Where do our word come from only two destinations from the heavens or from the grave. People who seek to tear down and not build up are speaking from the grave.People who seek to tear down and build up are speaking from the heavens. We can hear it in their voices. And that's why even though, your provider is a Seer, describing what we receive has to be spoken from God in the kindest manner of truth.
What does a group class or session look like?Professional speaker providing a sound bath that resonates on the body a soft touchless sound massage and the provider can hold your hands and place their healing touch on areas being focused on or keep the hands at a comfortable distance.
In a group class we just sync by performing the 5 rites of Tibetan Longevity. Once the body is flowing, then we rest and chant a prayer for God's creation energy to absorb into our bodies. If everyone is brand-new to Energy Medicine, it becomes a Guru chakra biomechanics class explaining each chakra or kingdom of Heaven is within.Such as the root chakra, is beneath us as the first heaven. We open the seal for our environment to know we are safe and this chakra grounds all negativity. How does Energy Medicine feel? Euphoric, angel kisses on our skin, like bubbles inside our muscles. When did Energy Medicine begin? From the beginning of recorded history from the fifth extinction, Energy Medicine started with prophets of the Father of Creation Yahweh. Then the Messiah Yeshua Son of God redeemed us from sin being resurrected Lord Yeshua gave the abilities of what he did following directions from who sent him the Father Almighty Yahweh, Holy be there names. Bible References (before Messiah Yeshua) Genesis 20:17 (during Messiah Yeshua) Matthew 4:23 (after Messiah Yeshua) Acts 8:7 In summary, energy medicine is the science of miracles! What Energy Medicines services are available? Nearby, the laying of hands is direct medicine. Far away, the Roman Guard asking for healing for his servant is remote energy medicine. All accomplished by Faith in the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth. Energy Medicine and 7 Chakras (Wheels) The Seven Spirits from the Almighty God YHWH, holy be his name, by the Holy Spirit of Truth through the Mighty God Yeshua of Nazareth. Bible References Isaiah Chapter 9:6-7, Ezikiel 1 Revelations 3,4, and 5 Mind, Body, and Soul. We might have observed these three subjects before but what do they mean? Soul is defined as the immaterial essence. What is immaterial essence? Immaterial essence is spirit, intangible, wind, gravity, magnetic force, frequency and music, light. The micro generates a culture of bacteria that are either healthy or diseased. The macro majority rules our body. Diseased may have parasites signaling the brain to consume inflammatory to paralyze their host. Healthy grow by exercising their mind, body and soul serving others their gifts of disciple. The proof of the spirit is the impact on the body and the mind. And whatever we do, builds nerves to make it easier to keep doing whatever we do best, if you feel goosebumps and the most alive your angels are near! Why? Changing a behavior is a challenge because we're doing our best as far as we know. If we knew better, we would do better. Why we pay attention to others who we perceive as successful. Where our words come from are the seven spirits separated by our body parts. Which are states of mind that the practice of Qi Gong Breathing through your feet. is an expression that represents we breathe with our whole body. and listen with the whole body. The immaterial essence commands the body and the mind to maintain their conscience soul. When we do something healthy you may have a desire to backslide, knowingly doing harmful things. Relax, consider how long you’ve had the behavior. Changing takes time pick up a heathy habit more often and that will strengthen your future. Keep building the healthy neuropathways. Our focus is information attributing to our bod’s ablitiy to repair. Humility is the first step in our active participation in our own healing. The body is made in God’s image by the Father and the Son breathing their soul into dust. Bible Reference Genesis 1:26 You get what you ask just have faith you’re already receiving and know it will occur in the best way to strengthen us for eternity! Why is the Bible being shared when discussing soul? The evil of this world doesn’t want you to survive the sixth extinction. There is a resurrection and even if we are resurrected those who want to live forever caring for the earth commanding the elements and nature can eat from the tree of life. Is this a cult? No. Is body building a cult? Or Volleyball? It’s just something we are already doing that you just haven’t noticed. Answers the question of why we are whom we hang around the Son of God has shared the most amount of time with the One. The author John states we with were there with the first creations, light. What is to be expected from the ways of Holy Spirit? ————————————————— But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galations Chapter 5 Verse 22&23 KJV ————————————————— What not to do? Keep missing the point of what makes you feel the greatest joy. Sin is defined as missing the mark. Even after you’ve received grace and trace your steps of why you’ve sinned. Honoring the new covenant ask Lord and Savior Jesus of Nazareth for grace and fill us with Holy Spirit from the Almighty Father Jehovah that we may be provided a way out from harm. An Energy medicine provider has missed the mark and sinned. They have to follow Lord Jesus and the ten commandments. They do love reproofing reminders. If you see something that needs improvements, please let them know. No one is perfect, but Lord Jesus, by the grace of God forgives us and if you would please forgive each other. It’s good for our hearts. As long your energy medicine provider starts and ends the prayer similar. ‘We humbly approach the Father, holy be his name, by Holy Spirit of Truth, through Son now redeemer Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.’ That is honoring the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Are all the words necessary? No. I’ve seen the Holy Spirit do what it wills by my presence alone. So the sound seeds of creation are the basic service allowing the external qi to leave my body to transplant for your body. God saved my life and part of him lives in me. We all have a purpose and mine is opening chakras by the authority of the Son of Jehovah. Is Martial Qi Gong Available? Yes, Ip Man Wing Chung Kung Fu. May you relax knowing the best is being provided. Why is this important to know where the soul is from? Do you check product labels? “Made in USA” Rules are followed differently from where you source effects the quality of service. The most effective energy medicine dissolves into the beginning becoming a permanent loop in time, called eternal. When words are spoken, as please and thank you. Similar to post traumatic stress disorder might not be happening currently but the body is responding as if it is happening remembering every occurrence compounding on to each other. If you can see the memory in your mind, then you can pray for the observers in the memory opening their chakras and bridging them to peace. Training is available. ————————————————- I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19 ——————————————————- Those who receive and cultivate soul become a lighthouse or a lantern, protecting your light to shine for joyful life. Before year 2022 to 2012, I, Michael Randall Schlueter, would open the Akashic Records, in English means “Book of Life”, by prayer syncing your future and your past into the present, simultaneously anchoring into the earth, being filtered through the sun, while holding the door for the masters, teachers, and loved ones to aid in the greatest and highest good. Would see partial segments of the future or past. That prayer was too general to allow little results. The partial ability is a gift from the Almighty God Yahweh (Jehovah), holy be his name, that is made complete when you ask for his mind by Holy Spirit through his son Prince of Peace Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Reference found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. The science of miracles formed from observing personal near-death experiences and accounts of those prayed for, being saved by burst of light. A hypothesis the Radiant Energy is the Energy Medicine being provided. Most important warning. May we do ourselves a favor not calling the Holy Spirit of Truth, evil. It’s an unforgivable sin that if a person who cultivates wickedness can’t help selves but to call what is good as bad. If they didn’t want eternal life. When brought to the Makers attention their name is dissolved from the Book of Life. There is no forgiveness if Jesus commanded. Matthew 12:31 CJB *Because of this, I tell you people will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but blaspheming the Rauch HaKodesh, Holy Spirit of Truth, will not be forgiven.* Why trouble our heart with calling what is good as bad. If your spiritual leader hates energy medicine, they’re attempting to rob you of the tree of life because they’re already damned because it’s not a pastor’s first time seeing the Holy Spirit of Truth dwell in people and call it evil. The godless demon cultivators will increase their rebellion against God to dissolve the energy medicine giftbecause if you have light to see within you start changing from harm to help, God always has your best intentions. God naturally places alcoholics in my brief company because my spirit releases the bondages of drunkenness by reading 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Classes are determined by the medias available and range in pricing from free to retreats pricing.
Paying attention is the greatest compliment we give each other. Light and Dark cannot be cultivate together. Yin is the rest and Yang is the action. Evil and Good only have one union, evil is the lowest absence of intelligence and good is the highest inclusion of intelligence. So there are right and wrong answers from repeated results that have been occurring for thousands of years, evil just forgets and has to be corrected or suffer their cultivation. Energy Medicine inspires us to grow to know the reason for miracles. Respect is giving love first. This is the oil for your lamps why we are separated from the water and rise!What are the facts? Cell melodies: when sound speaks to stem cells Thank you for the research it’s worth the read. ————————————————— Matthew 5:8 KJV Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 1 John 5:7-8 NWT For there are three witness bearers: The spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. ———————————————————— The experiments by Doctor Emoto prove water bears’ witness. Have you ever witnessed chickens hatching? If you crack an egg from the outside, you end the life. If you are patient and speak strength, the center with life is encouraged to break the shell. We have to obey God’s will and not our own will. People use this knowledge in their toughest moments. This is a free service, so all the necessary information is provided that you don’t need an Energy Medicine provider profanely. You contact a certified professional when the task is beyond your ability. How fast does Energy Medicine work? The results are on God’s time. Being patient builds trust for a resilience in faith. Sometimes immediate or delayed. The biochemistry, have you dreamed? The pineal gland, lungs, and other parts of the body produce dimethyltryptamine the transfer takes place within heaven, a dimensional space, then is done on earth. If this is new for you and have a good feeling congratulations on having your future self-save you because if you can remember your past, you can sing giving the past to God. Do you love languages. Language came from the tower of Babel and Almighty God witnessed that anything humanity wills, can be accomplished. God made the languages that we may spread out across the earth. We are living in the age of information that we can understand each other once again. Bib. Ref. Genesis 11:7 Jesus was the word that became flesh. Proving our words become flesh. Bib. Ref. John 1:1. Why am I sharing? While I’ve been studying Sanskrit to understand the soul by singing the sound seeds of creation. Chakra means wheel, in Sanskrit, and the bible references seeds being God’s word. While visiting Tibetan monks at our Om Center in Omaha, Nebraska. The Tibetan Monks would not apply the Sound Seeds of Creation, Sanskrit words, applied for the chakras. Advising only to use one sound seed Om for every chakra. If you only color with white, what do you have? Why not? Hebrew and Sanskrit are languages that significantly alter reality. The light only has to keep honoring the truth shining color into our world. Your mind is a garden how you cultivate the soil by nutrition. The seeds by your thoughts. Who shows up we become our associates. What you do matters Once I started studying Hebrew the Sanskrit words were defined. Our human bodies represent the kingdom of heaven even if you don’t have limbs, you have a heavenly body. Start from the foundation and work your way up. Lam, in Hebrew means binding, and so does Rebecca the name. Every page needs a binder. The “L” sounds correlate with the legs. Subatomic particles emitted are red. To be rooted means we are safe to grow. Vav, in Hebrew means hook. What you bring together rapidly generates a spark done repeatedly is a fire. The “V” sounds correlate with the pelvis. Subatomic particles emitted are orange. When we are safe, we gather resources. Ram, in Hebrew means High, Senior. The “R” sounds correlate with our celiac plexus connected to the vagus nerve. Subatomic particles emitted are yellow. When we gather resources, we express joy from what we find. Yam, in Hebrew means Sea. Elohim, Yah, Yahovah, Yahweh, Yeshua, Jesus, God help me. The Y’s, J’s and G’s sounds correlate stick on your ribs. The ribs cage a wild heart that your hands write from, and your breath speak from an area of your body that is ninety percent water. The subatomic particles emitted are green. The musical note is 528 hertz and MI in Latin word miracle. When share what we find joy from we may experience gratitude and say, “thank you!” Ham, in Hebrew is a son of Noah, and “H” sounds are the natural expression of the throat when you exhale. Why we laugh Ha, put the Ha in Rauch HaKodesh, Hallelujah! Ha means ‘the’ in Hebrew. The subatomic particles emitted are blue. The throat is as bark to a dog and a tree, it’s there to protect you. The bark you speak is either life or ruin practice well by reading aloud good books. Aum, “A” sounds resonate the skull. Why you might say um to think. “E” Sounds resonate inside the skull. Hreem vibrates the roof of your mouth down your spine. Still yet to be proven in clinical studies, hypothesis; this is how you develop the oil from the pineal gland DMT to dream and stimulate stem cell from your bone popping bubbles. “U” Sounds resonate the frontal lobe bone. Huen, means circle in Cantonese, to force the fluid up the spine to the blood brain barrier. “O” is an expression from the heart to exclaim praise or woe. “O” is the surrounding sound. O by itself, or O God, ‘O’ Sound vibrations increase oxygen within the bones. Ope. Welcome to the Heartland of America. While working on the soul the Energy Medicine provider uses these words to let the Almighty God the Father of Creation Jehovah and the Mighty God the Son of God Jesus work through those present. Energy medicine providers are only catalysts for Lord Jesus passes judgement on how much Qi you receive from their breathe. Why it is called opening chakras is because the chakras are sealed like tea kettles. Are the seven soul centers a coincidence? When seven seals, stars, and seven spirits of God are referenced in book of Revelation. When you are singing these words with singing songs as “Holy Spirit Come” by Patrick Mayberry or “Your love is a song” by Switchfoot How do you know we’re singing right? Our forehead is stimulated, you’re crying as cutting an onion without the sting, and your armpits are sweating. Accepting you are loved or giving love to an enemy. How many sessions do you need? As many as you need. Why classes are free. I am leaving behind media to move humanity forward. This is a limited list of words to get you started. We’ll have a direct line of communication with the Almighty God Yahovah and the Mighty God King Yeshua, holy be their names. That Lord Jesus honors his promise, ask and it will be given. Chakras or Spirit centers are something you cultivate and when two souls merge you pollinate generating spiritual fruit. Use that fruit to be faith moving mountains. That’s why we are encouraged to fellowship. I found the Father Jehovah, holy be his name and the Son Jesus, this way while Sun Gazing in the mornings reading the Gospel aloud. My journey took eight years of Sun Gazing, and six years from the beginning the discipline. I was called back to following Jesus by a neighbor, who asked me, while I was marketing samples at Costco, “Can I pray for you?” I replied “Yes! I believe in the power of prayer.” And the neighbor’s prayer was like ‘Jesus Christ, I ask you to come into this moment please increase your Holy Spirit for Michael, Increase, increase, Increase Amen.” I came to their church Sunday service crying accepting that I am loved by the Father Jehovah Holy be his name and the Son Jesus our Lord and Savior. I come from a broken family that disagrees with courage, truth, and humility. I love goodness and helping to our best ability, so if you think you have it bad let’s give it to God! He gives it back in way we couldn’t imagine. Chief Mission Statement SO CLEAN WE HEAL! Who can receive energy medicine? Anything with breath. If you have no one to service in the hospitals, nursing homes, the poor. Pour the energy medicine into the land, what you cook, sky, and life. Energy medicine is a gift of Holy Spirit you give freely to others. Animals are highly receptive and welcome if applicable.
How to ask for help. Energy Medicine is as simple as active daily living, known in nursing as ADLs. ADLs such as brushing teeth, washing your face, bathing, eating and more. It’s important to ask for answers when you have problems. The problems happen to everyone how we get answers is by solving the question why.
You can be placed in a cocoon hammock with a sound bath or in a class setting. Before receiving your soul medicine have some ideas that you want to grow. Depending how much time we have, if you touch my shirt, shake my hand, give me a hug, look me in the eye, the energy medicine, can happen instantly. I can do the laying of hands; It’s what the receivers are most comfortable with. Energy Medicine provider works in a stadium, arena, crowds are available or smaller settings in nursing homes or hospitals. Why? Cardiovascular system such as our veins do not form in straight lines but as spirals. What do you have, when metals such as iron, copper to be a spiral connected to an electric current? You have a magnet. Why you don’t have to touch a person. It’s their magnetic field that you’re transferring soul by speaking the words three to nine times or being quiet and the Holy Spirit moves. Are you planning an Event? For crowds or nationwide. It’s as cooking slow and constant, greater the amount the more time can be prepared head of time. Three to nine days for less nine thousand people. Greater than nine thousand thirty to ninety days. Thereafter, give yourself a break from people interactions, put your phone on do not disturb, read or listen to a positive book. Recommended The 21KV Bible, books Matthew by Matthew, John by Apostle John, Psalms by David and Others, the Archer & Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho, the Tao Te Ching Lao Zu, Talk like TED by Carmine Gallo, 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson, Billionaire Thought Models in Business by R. Stevens. A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. 360 Leader by John C. Maxwell. Billionaire Thought Models in Business by R. Stevens. Wherever you are in the spectrum keep sowing seeds for a better life. You become the five people you share the most time with including authors. If your life isn’t sowing seeds that the generations can improve humanity, be a better student. Teachers are students tutoring students, what they have studied. May we remain diligent in our disciplines and record our results that we can find the patterns success. A soul provider needs to be certified by the universal church online for weddings and out of respect for those who seek aid. I, Michael Randall Schlueter promise to do no harm and upbuild the Body of Christ for Lord Jesus. Especially Holy Spiritual Gifts. Soul Medicine provider is certified energy medicine provider by ALLEGRA Learning Solutions LLC. Allegra Learning Solutions LLC has a knowledge and misinformation on chakras because you need to go through God to understand what is holy. All of our time is valuable we need you to be well. Whatever you give by God’s will in your heart a soul medicine provider will be appreciate. Best ways to give back, clean up parts of your city, feed the venerable citizens. Revel in Nature, plant native grasses absorbing the most carbon dioxide and download the application youversion bible start a plan. My biggest regret is not reading the word of God, sooner with praying for understanding through Jesus before reading. 2 Corinthians Chapter 9 Verse 6-15 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their poor; their righteousness endures forever.” Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their heart will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! Romans Chapter 6 verse 22 However, now, freed from sin and enslaved to God, you do get the benefit - it consists in being made holy, set apart for God, and its end result is eternal life. 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God, so that we might understand the things God has so freely given us. Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery. Class involves Stretching, the five rites of Tibetan longevity move the lymphatic system that you may stay vigilant and soundness of mind. Keep flowing and growing up to the light. Doing the basics such as washing your hands for twenty seconds, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and after meals, eating USDA fermented foods and dark leafy greens, stretch after being still for longer than 15 minutes even reaching for the sky. Have some hearty laughs and make some noise singing like children no matter how off-key you might be. Follow the laws within good conscience. The Challenge:Our current energy medicine sound seed practitioners are not loud and clear enough for God to work through their voice.
This is limited in what God can do, we have energy medicine providers taking our image in a photograph and placing that in a machine that subjects the image to 10,000 frequencies that is rendering a change in the person's life. We are training you to generate the frequencies of God on our own without the machines. Can the machines help improve the combinations yes. But what we are providing is levels above what's available in the market for classes.
Some of them considers the earth to be our mother has forgotten the father from that all energy comes from our star that gives us light. Christian do the same exact theology when they forget Yahweh God's name and call him the Son Jesus Christ is GOD. Jeremiah 23:27 People forget because they avoid their father God's words and council. So if you wonder why prayers go unanswered and they sound violent. It's because we have to have a heart string to play telephone with God. God is very near to those he loves that are near death and he will save them, for they loved God. So. yes if we go to a yoga group class the pagan teacher will pay respects to a fragment of God. Does that make yoga evil? No, the people practicing and their thoughts while they are working could determine if they're bad. People can be good or bad but it's a branch of behaviors from our heart we know by our works. And bad teachers and bad leaders don't care about the quality and act like no result is a result of energy medicine. They're standing in the way from light shining on people as if God is directing our hearts and time most effectively from what we all do in private.
Yoga is a system of stretches that somehow the yoga masters in our community won't teach you the 5 rites of Tibetan Longevity because of the medical benefits. People are preventing our citizens to access information that allows us to be calm in emergencies and respond letting God help us move. And the mediations or sound baths that are being provided have no evidence of knowing God and claim healing because they have the sounds of creation. So, I have to be the provider of a class and people have to seek me out to share with them the biomechanics of soul mastery. Pray & Listen to God, some call that intuition on who you need to avoid because everyone is sowing seeds but the lost won’t know strength unless they are shown how to sow seed. If they refuse to apply healthy behaviors, their life will be a reflection. Successful people take notes, ask questions to see them. Enjoy the journey. Thank you for reading Classes are Available, they involve stretching the 5 rites of Tibetan longevity, Opening the Chakras by Lord Jesus Christ authority. Enjoy safe travels. Thank you for reading. Many people are having a near death experience and what I teach allows us to adapt quickly. If you're new to God, do not be afraid, the other fragments of God, end life into the earth to be dust. The eternal Elohim resurrect those who conquer their flesh and serve voluntarily their gift to humanity. youtube channel @omaheal-center-llc8964
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